Michael O Halloran

Working full time as a nurse at University Hospital Limerick and running a suckler farm part time ease of calving was always the priority for Michael O’Halloran who farms at Quin Co Clare. Initially the herd was made up of 50% Shorthorn and Limousin cross cows and 50% PB Angus… Read more “Michael O Halloran”
Stephen Miley

I am a dairy farmer milking 120 cows. I use 2 Aubrac bulls to clean up the cows and bulling heifers. I am very happy with the Aubrac breed, they are a very docile animal and have a short gestation for a beef breed. The 2 bulls I have used… Read more “Stephen Miley”
Mike Delaney

Although the land is difficult in Kenmare, Aubracs are working perfectly, and are very good to utilise poor ground. I kill the bulls under 16 months and they average 370kg carcass, U3 grade. I have sold heifers to a local butcher at 12 months of age. Customers commented on the… Read more “Mike Delaney”
Micheal O’Flatharta

Inis Oirr is the smallest of the Aran Island, lying in Galway Bay. It is an outcrop of the Burren and is famous for its stone walls and biodiversity of plant life and wild flowers and is also home to a few Aubrac cows on my small holding. I have… Read more “Micheal O’Flatharta”
James Ham
We are James and Martina Ham, and we farm in Moyvore , Co Westmeath. The farm is a total of 52 ha , with 26 ha now under mixed forestry, managed to continuous cover principles. On the remaining 26ha we run a 20 cow suckler herd , with approx. 4… Read more “James Ham”
Robert Beamish
I have been running Aubrac bulls with my British Friesan herd for the past 15 years and I am very satisfied as they are a very docile animal. They have a short gestation period and are easy calved. I find that their calves are very active animals with good body… Read more “Robert Beamish”
Mark Irwin
I have worked with Aubrac for several years and found that they are easily managed and have a mild temperament. They are medium framed animals which means a saving on forage and concentrates and are able to be crossed with the Culard Charolais with no calving difficulties. In my view… Read more “Mark Irwin”