There are a number of A.I. Bulls available through the Society from Midatest, France. Every year in Midatest, France, approximately one hundred males are chosen on their individual performance : growth rate, conformation and functional characteristics. At the end of the intake the index is calculated by INRA (French breeding institute) based on daily weight gain weight for age, muscular development and skeletal development.
The animals are chosen for AI by a group of breeders appointed by the herd book and AI companies. 3 or 4 are picked by Midatest to go in to AI and the rest is sold to breeders through the station (private sale and auction).
What is the selection criteria?
On their mother : fertility : average calving interval, longevity ,number of calvings, age at first calving, milking ability and ease of calving.
On the bull before entering the station : date of birth : preferably mid December to mid March, genealogy, weight at weaning, skeletal and muscular development, Functional ability. Must conform to the breed characteristics.
On the animal at the station : precocity : ability to show an adult format very quickly. Growth rate : weight for age, daily weight gain, monthly weighing and scoring at intake and coming out of the station.
Hardiness : feed efficiency on rough forage : ¾ of the ration is hay. Evaluation of the legs after being tied up (5 months on concrete). Calving ability : internal measurement of the pelvic opening.
Availability: Straws can be purchased online or by contacting the society. Straws are available to purchase by both Pedigree and Commercial Breeders.
Price: €25 Euro (Average).
Delivery: When ordering straws please allow four to six weeks for delivery.
Assistance: We also have a committee of experienced Aubrac Breeders within the Society that can assist with selection of sires for both pedigree and commercial cows and heifers.
AI disclaimer – the Aubrac Cattle Breed Society of Ireland regrets that it cannot accept responsibility for any genetic problems associated with calves sired by AI bulls