General conditions
Alterations of Herd Book Rules.
The Herd Book Rules may be altered by the Board from time to time provided Board Members shall have received notification of the intention to propose an amendment at the same time as notification of the relevant Board meeting is received. Any alterations, addition, deletion or other amendment of these Herd Book rules shall be notified to each member within two weeks of the change being approved by the Board.
Such inspectors/Scorers as required by these regulations will be appointed by the society or any Society approved third party (for example ICBF, French Herd Book) Such inspectors/ scorers must have received full and regular training, have compete knowledge and understanding of the breed, be impartial and fair and work in agreement with the rules of the Society. The Society shall appoint as many inspectors/scorers as deemed necessary at any point in time. The Society reserves the right to dismiss any inspector/scorer who does not follow these rules. Any breeder who should have a justified grievance with the scoring of an animal can appeal to the Council on receipt of the scoring results to get this scoring re-examined by an independent qualified party. Expenses occurred shall be at the charge of the breeder.
Should any question arise concerning the meaning, interpretation or application of these byelaws, the decision of the Board shall be binding.