Irish Aubrac Cattle Breed Society Limited
The Councilshall meet at least four times per year and may adjourn or otherwise regulate its meetings
and proceedings, as it thinks fit. The quorum for the transaction of business shall be such number as
the Council shall decide from time to time but shall not be less than one-third of the membership of
the Council.
Special meetings of the Council may be convened at any time by the Secretary at the request of the
Chairman or by the Secretary at the request of one third of the Council members for the time being.
At least forty eight hours’ notice of such meetings shall be given to each Council Member. A Special
Council Meeting shall transact no business other than that appearing in the Notice convening the
meeting. An Ordinary Council Meeting may, at the conclusion of its ordinary business, be made Special
for any purpose of which notice has been duly given.
All Council Meetings shall be convened and held in accordance with the Standing Orders, if any.
No member shall be entitled to continue as a member of the Council
a) If he/she ceases to hold Shares in the Society or fails to pay his annual subscription (if any) on
time, or
b) If he/she is convicted of any offence involving fraud or dishonesty or of an indictable offence
not summarily triable other than an offence under the Road Traffic Acts, or
c) If he/she absents himself/herself from any three consecutive meetings of the Council, in any
one calendar year without sending an apology which is acceptable to the Council, or
d) If he/she becomes bankrupt or insolvent or compounds with his/her creditors, or
e) If he/she becomes a member of the Council or a Council of any Society, Body Corporate or
business organisation which is in competition with the Society, subject to Rule 28, or
personally engages in such activities, or
f) If he/she becomes incapable through disorder or disability of mind, or
g) If he/she holds any office or place of profit under the Society. Council members in receipt of
expenses incurred in the course of business on behalf of the Society shall not be disqualified
under this rule.
In the event that a Council member is in dispute with the Society and such dispute has been referred
to Arbitration under Rule 76 or to a Court of Law, that persons membership of Council shall be and
remain suspended until the matter is determined.
Irish Aubrac Cattle Breed Society Limited
The Council may appoint, remove and fix the remuneration of a Herd Book Secretary who shall be
responsible to the Council for maintaining the Herd Book of the Society. Provided, however, that the
Herd Book Secretary may only be dismissed by a vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting
at a Special Council meeting of which two days’ notice in writing shall have been given to each
member. Such special meeting shall be convened by the Secretary at the request of not less than onethird of the members of the Council and in the event of the Secretary failing for seven days’ so to
convene the Special Council Meeting; it may be convened by any member of the Council.
The Council may give authority to such Herd Book Secretary under such conditions as it may determine
to appoint and remove subordinate employees of the Society and fix their remuneration.
The Council may appoint and remove a Secretary, or may make such other provision as it deems
expedient for the discharge of secretarial work, and arrange the terms of remuneration (if any)
therefor. The Secretary shall have such functions and powers and remuneration as the Council shall
from time to time decide. The procedure in the case of the dismissal of the Secretary shall be identical
with that laid down by Rule 54 for the dismissal of the Herd Book Secretary. The offices of Herd Book
Secretary and Secretary shall not be held by the same person.
The Council may also appoint and remove a Treasurer and the same provisions as apply to the
Secretary shall also apply to the Treasurer.
The Councilshall have power to open and to operate as it may determine an account or accounts with
any banking institution of which it approves.
Irish Aubrac Cattle Breed Society Limited
57. ICOS
The Society may contribute annually to the ICOS an affiliation fee in accordance with the rules of the
ICOS and on payment of such affiliation fee during the current year shall be entitled to all rights of
membership in the ICOS and to such special privileges as may be given by the ICOS.
The Council may, at all times deduct from Members and pay whatever monies or levies the Society is
obliged to pay by reason of its membership of any organisation whose rules or articles of Association
oblige the Society to pay such monies or levies and the Council may make such arrangements as
appear to it to be desirable for the collection of these amounts.
The Council may decide that in the interests of promoting the Aubrac Breed and/or the Society a
branch or club may be formed in any region to arrange and co-ordinate the activities of the Society in
that region so as to more effectively facilitate the attainment of the Society’s objects as set out in Rule
4. All such branches or clubs shall be fully accountable for all their activities to the Council of the
Society. Each branch or club formed under this rule will be subject to all of the rules of the Society.
The Council shall have the power to adopt bye-laws or regulations, not being inconsistent with the
provisions of these rules, as may be necessary for:
(i) the conduct of meetings of the clubs/branches.
(ii) establishing the size of the committee of each club/branch and introducing clear and
unambiguous electoral procedures for election of each club/branch committee, which will be
common to all clubs/branches.
(iii) the monitoring of the activities of the clubs/branches.
(iv) limiting the amount of any charges which the branch/club may apply to its members,
specifying the uses to which such revenue can be put and regulating the manner in which the
monies of the branch/club must be accounted for to the Society.
(v) the nomination of a Council member as an ex officio member of each Club committee.
(vi) any other matter deemed appropriate.
Copies of any bye-laws or regulations adopted by the Council under this rule shall be made available
to the secretaries of the clubs/branches and to individual members on request. Alterations, additions
or deletions of any such bye-laws or regulations may be made by a resolution of the Council adopted
by a simple majority provided notice of the intention to propose such a resolution is contained in the
notice convening the meeting.
The club/branch will also require the special permission of the Council to organise shows, sales or any
special events and the Council shall have the right to attach any conditions, which it deems
appropriate, to such permission. The club/branch will be required to hold a General Meeting of its
members within the period of two months immediately prior to the Annual General Meeting of the
In the event of any disputes in the interpretation of the bye-laws governing the club/branch as
approved by the Council or of the rules of the Society the Council’s decision shall be final.
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